...mostly ink sketchings, also some COPIC stuff and digital drawings...
November / December 2013
September / October 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
...& some more animal sketches
Just sketching...
VanGoghmonkey's first experiment with structural paste (and artificial flowers, still not glued to the frame yet...)
(16-07-2010) - Mooooooved!
New design for VanGoghmonkey's gallery site
Vargas the Mad
(21-06-2010) - Gallery online
Monkeys With Brushes proudly presents: Fifty of VanGoghmonkey's pictures. Right there in the shiny new flash gallery. (which is now, in 2013, well hidden because it was awful...)
(18-05-2010) - Eureka!
VanGoghmonkey has done it - his first selfmade monkey-site! Little creature hopes it's also his last, or maybe next time there will be hundreds of helpful monkey paws...(Professor Monkey? You hear that? We need lots an' lots of monkey clones...)